City Council Recommendations for Next Steps Per September 6, 2016 Staff Report
- Authorize City Manager to add one Full-Time Equivalent Diversity Manager and increase the expense budget to cover costs associated with position ($180,000}
- Director City Manager to develop a Diversity Inclusion Plan with input of interested community groups, city staff and City Council
- Continuing using the Budget and Audit Committee to monitor and assess all diversity and equity issues.
- A Report Card presented by Councilmember Angelique Ashby to the City Council concerning Gender Parity in the City of Sacramento
- Hire a Diversity Manager
- Develop an overall framework for diversity and Inclusion in all City departments.
- Direct the City Manager to work with the Council,City Staff and the community to develop a Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan that includes:
- Fairness in hiring and compensation (hiring,promotions,and attrition)
- Improving city employee’s skills (mentorship, training,and discipline)
- Fairness in procurement and contracting (utilize minority and female small businesses that have inclusive workforce representation.
- Equity in boards and commissions (creating inclusive public forums that reflect City demographics)
- Utilize the Budget and Audit Committee as the lead to continue monitoring diversity issues.
- Establish clear goals,benchmarks and timelines in Diversity and Inclusion Plan.
- Encourage ongoing participation from City staff and community groups
- Utilize Council Workshops as needed to engage full council.
Potential Opportunity Areas for inclusion in the City’s adopted Diversity and Inclusion Plan:
- Managing Unconscious Bias
- Ensuring Diversity on Hiring Panels
- Refining Job Descriptions
- Increasing Advertising of Employment Opportunities
- Improving Recruitment Flyers
- Enhancing the city’s Website Branding
- Improving Recruitment Testing
- Establishing Restorative Processes
- Expanding City Staff Training
- Enhancing Employee Input
- Developing School Pipeline/Outreach Programs
- Providing Internships and Expanded Volunteer Programs
- Improving Promotional Opportunities
- Increasing the Amount of City Employment Workshops
- Promoting the City of Sacramento
- Monitoring the Progress of the City’s Diversity Efforts Annually